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Greek Goddess Astraea | Symbol of Justice & Innocence

Written By Monika Soni
Last updated: April 26, 2024

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered about the stories behind the stars? Among them, a serene figure of fairness stands out. We call her Astraea, a name that echoes with tales of innocence and justice. In our journey today, let's step back into ancient times to unveil her captivating story.

Do you believe in justice? What if we told you there was once a goddess who embodied it so deeply, that her essence lives on above us? Our exploration will reveal why Astraea is not just a myth from old pages but a timeless beacon of virtue in our cosmos. Let the echoes of purity and righteousness guide us as we delve into this entrancing chronicle.

Who Is Astraea?

In the vast world of Greek mythology, one figure stands tall as a beacon of purity and fairness. Her name is Astraea, a deity whose story touches the heart of anyone who longs for innocence and justice. But what makes Astraea so unique, and why does her legacy continue to shine throughout history?

Who Is Astraea?

The Divine Lineage of Astraea

Astraea isn't just any mythological character; her roots are divine, tangled deeply within the rich tapestry of Greek legend. Let's step back into the ancient times to unravel her origins:

  • Parents: Astraea was born to two Titans, astronomical beings in their own rights. Her father was Astraeus, the god of dusk, stars, and planets. Her mother was Eos, the goddess of dawn.
  • Heritage: With such celestial parents, it's no wonder that Astraea herself became associated with celestial themes.
  • Roles in Mythology: In many stories, she is known as the Virgin Goddess because she represents pureness untouched by earthly faults.
  • Associations: She's closely tied to lawfulness and morality; tales often portray her with scales balancing right from wrong.

Understanding where she comes from tells us a lot about what she stands for, innocence that is rare and justice that is fair. Throughout time, her name has symbolized hope amidst despair, that even when darkness surrounds us, there exists an unblemished force advocating for fairness above all else.

Symbols Representing Innocence and Justice

When we talk about Astraea, the Goddess of Innocence and Justice, a few powerful symbols come to mind that show her pure heart and her role in keeping fairness. These symbols are simple but carry deep meanings that have been part of stories for a very long time.

  • Scales: One of the main symbols linked with Astraea is the scales. These are not just any scales; they are the kind you would use to weigh things out evenly. In stories about justice, scales show balance. This means Astraea was all about making sure things were fair and even for everyone.
  • Star: Another symbol you'll hear about when people speak of Astraea is a star. Now, this isn't just because she's connected to the sky above us. A single star often stands for truth. It's like a small light in a dark place showing us the way. That small light can mean hope or guide us toward what's good and right—just like what Astraea stood for.
  • Virginity: We also hear about virginity as one of her symbols. But wait, it doesn't mean exactly what we might think today when we hear this word. In these old stories, being a ‘virgin’ wasn’t just about whether someone was married or not—it was more about being independent and untouched by the world’s badness. It showed how Astraea herself was pure and not weighed down by wrongdoings.
  • Wreath or Crown: Sometimes people talk about a wreath or crown made from plants that lasted through winter – evergreen plants – wearing this kind of crown made others think of life continuing even when times are tough (winter). It ties back to justice because it hints at staying true no matter what challenges come up.

Also Read: All About Moros: The Greek God & Goddess of Impending Doom

The Mythological Tale of Astraea

Let us delve into the heartwarming yet poignant story of Astraea, the emblem of innocence and justice that once graced our world. Her tale carries both a tranquil beginning and a bittersweet ending, forever etched in the stars above.

The Mythological Tale of Astraea

The Golden Age: A Time of Peace

In a time long ago, when the world was pure and new, there was an era we call the Golden Age. It was a period of uninterrupted peace and harmony, where sorrow and wrong were as rare as a flower in winter. Astraea, our beloved goddess, walked among humans during this blessed epoch.

  • She personified innocence: Each step she took on Earth spread kindness like petals from an unfurling blossom.
  • Relishing unity with mortals: People lived side by side with divine beings like her in total trust - no locks barred doors nor secrets clouded hearts.
  • Justice prevailed effortlessly: Laws were needless for fairness flourished naturally; Astraea's mere presence assured moral righteousness.

Every soul carried lightness akin to that found only in dreams - when dawn breaks but darkness never falls. It was under her gentle gaze that humans knew no injustice or deceit.

Retreating to the Stars: The Virgin Goddess's Ascent

Yet, all golden eras must wane. As times changed, so too did human hearts. They brimmed with selfish desires and unspeakable acts surfaced; shadows crept where light once reigned supreme. In those days of decline from grace:

  • Conflicted by our faults: Hearts heavy with grief for what became of humanity's virtue.
  • She departed Earthly realms: With anguish bearing down upon her shoulders like some silent stormcloud.
  • Ascending skyward as a symbol of eternal justice: Astraea chose solitude among stars over witnessing further decay.

It is said that she ascended to leave behind corruption, a last act defining untainted justice, forever hoping mankind would mend its ways.

Her ascent marked not just her departure but also birthed twinkling beacons guiding seekers of truth through darkened skies, the constellations we marvel at today bear witness to her legacy.

The Zodiac Connection

When we gaze up at the night sky, it's like looking into a storybook of myths and legends. Among these celestial tales, we find Astraea's legacy shining through the constellations of Virgo and Libra. Let's dive into how these star patterns connect to Astraea, reflecting her purity and just nature.

Zodiac Connection- Astraea

Virgo and Libra: Constellations Linked to Astraea

The stars tell stories, old as time. Among them is the tale of Virgo and Libra linked tightly with Astraea:

  • Virgo: The maiden among the stars represents Astraea herself. It is said that when she left Earth, she took her place in the sky as this constellation to watch over humanity.
  • Libra: Next to Virgo in the sky is Libra, symbolizing scales. This stands for balance and justice—values that were dear to Astraea’s heart.

Each star within these constellations carries a piece of Astraea’s story—her innocence represented by Virgo's pure figure and her unwavering sense of fairness by Libra's balanced scales.

Astrological Significance in Modern Times

Even today, centuries later, we still look up at these constellations with wonder:

  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Associated with traits like meticulousness, reliability, and modesty; it reminds us of Astraea’s innocent nature.
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Emphasizes harmony in relationships and a strong sense of right from wrong—echoes of what once made Astraea known far and wide.

People born under these signs are often seen as caretakers of justice or purveyors of peace—a nod to our age-old beliefs tied back to that distant goddess who loved us enough to become one with our cosmos.

Representation Across Cultures

In every corner of our world, stories of justice and fairness are told. In these tales, gods and goddesses like Astraea shine brightly as symbols of pureness and rightness. We're not alone in admiring such figures; many cultures celebrate their own versions of Astraea, who carry the scales of justice just as she does.

Astraea Representation Across Cultures

Comparing Parallels with Other Judicial Deities

When we think about Astraea's presence across different myths, we see her spirit mirrored in several other deities:

  • Themis: In Greek mythology itself, Themis was the Titaness known for her wisdom and a true mark of order within society. Like Astraea, she represented lawfulness and was often depicted with scales.
  • Ma'at: Moving to ancient Egypt, we find Ma'at. She stands out as a goddess embodying truth and order. Similarly to how Astraea's scales would balance right from wrong, Ma'at's feather is iconic; it weighed human souls against the truth during judgment in the afterlife.
  • Justice: Lady Justice, seen in many Western courtrooms today, directly echoes Astraea's legacy. With blindfold signifying impartiality, scales for weighing evidence fairly, and a sword symbolizing authority – Lady Justice is like a modern echo of the ancient goddess we revere so much.

By drawing these connections between different cultures and their deities endorsing justice and righteousness – from ancient Greece to modern-day symbols – we see how universal the values represented by Astraea truly are. Through these timeless parallels runs a shared human desire for fairness that knows no bounds or borders.

Influence on Literature, Art, and Society

Over time, the image of Astraea has inspired many stories, paintings, and even ways people think about justice. When we look at history, we see how different cultures have put Astraea's symbol of purity and fair judgment into their own works.

  • Books and Poems: Many writers have used Astraea's story to show what happens when innocence is lost in the world. They talk about how she left Earth because people were no longer good. In poems, her name sometimes means hope for a world that will be just again.
  • Artworks: Artists have also loved to paint pictures of her. They often show her as a beautiful woman with wings holding a set of scales for weighing right from wrong. These art pieces are found in galleries across many countries.
  • Public Monuments: Some places have statues or sculptures that honor Astraea. These monuments stand tall in courthouses or public squares to remind everyone about the importance of being innocent and honest.

In more recent times:

  • Literary Symbols: Modern books might not always say Astraea by name but they use characters like her to stand for justice in their stories.
  • Movies and Theater: Plays or films can have roles where someone who fights for what is right could be seen as an echo of Astraea herself.

Astraea's place in our world today shows that old myths from long ago still touch our lives now. She may be a character from ancient tales but what she stands for – fairness and a good heart – are things we all want today too. This is why we keep bringing her back into our creative works in so many ways.

Also Check Other Greek Goddesses:


What is Astraea the goddess of?

Astraea is known as the goddess of innocence and justice in Greek mythology. She represents purity and fair judgment.

Is Astraea Virgo or Libra?

Astraea is connected with both the Virgo and Libra constellations. She's often identified as the Virgo maiden, while her scales are associated with Libra.

What is the meaning of Astraea's name?

The name Astraea comes from Greek roots that suggest "starry one," fitting for a deity linked with both celestial constellations and idealistic virtues.


As we've journeyed through the rich tapestry of myths and legends, the story of Astraea stands out as a beacon of innocence and justice. Her legacy, woven into the stars as constellations, continues to guide us in our quest for purity and righteousness.

In modern times, her spirit is more than a distant celestial tale; it is a reminder that our actions are weighed on an invisible scale where integrity tips the balance. The narratives of Astraea resonate across cultures, serving as an eternal witness to humanity's collective conscience.

Charles Eames

Monika Soni is a passionate writer and history enthusiast who joined the FindingDulcinea team in July 2023. With a deep love for both ancient and political history, she brings a unique perspective to her articles, weaving together narratives that captivate and educate her readers. Monika holds a B.Sc. degree from the esteemed Govt. College of Girls, Panchkula. When she's not diving deep into historical research, Monika enjoys exploring local museums and historical sites. Her commitment to bringing history to life makes her a valuable asset to the FindingDulcinea community.

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