Cats are full of surprises! From their quirky habits to their mysterious instincts, feline behavior has fascinated humans for centuries. Whether you’re a devoted cat parent or just an admirer, you’ll love learning about the unique traits that make cats so special.
These facts will not only amaze you but also help you understand your furry companion better. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of cat behavior!
1. Cats Slow Blink to Show Trust and Affection
If your cat looks at you and slowly blinks, consider yourself lucky! This is their way of saying, “I trust you.” Known as the "cat kiss," slow blinking is a sign of relaxation and affection.
You can even try blinking back at your cat to strengthen your bond. They often do this with humans and other cats they feel comfortable with.
2. Kneading with Their Paws Comes from Kittenhood
Ever noticed your cat pressing their paws into soft surfaces like a blanket or your lap? This kneading behavior originates from kittenhood when they did it to stimulate their mother’s milk flow.
As adults, cats continue kneading as a sign of comfort and contentment. It also marks territory since they have scent glands in their paws.
3. Cats Chirp and Chatter When Excited
When cats see birds or small prey outside a window, they often make a chirping or chattering sound. This is believed to be a mix of excitement and frustration since they can’t reach their target.
Some experts also think this sound mimics the noises birds make, helping cats lure their prey. Either way, it’s an adorable and unique behavior!
4. A Cat’s Tail Can Reveal Their Mood
A cat’s tail is like a mood barometer! A straight-up tail means they’re happy and confident, while a puffed-up tail signals fear. If their tail is flicking quickly, they might be annoyed.

A gently swaying tail often means they’re relaxed but alert. Learning tail language can help you understand what your cat is feeling.
5. Headbutting You Is a Sign of Love
Cats don’t headbutt just anyone! When they gently bump their head against you, they’re marking you with their scent. This behavior, called bunting, is a sign of affection and trust.
It’s their way of saying, “You belong to me.” The more a cat headbutts you, the more they consider you part of their family.
A cat’s whiskers aren’t just for show! These specialized hairs, called vibrissae, help them detect objects in the dark and measure spaces to see if they can fit.
Whiskers are so sensitive that they can even pick up air currents, making them excellent hunters. Never trim a cat’s whiskers, as it can disorient them.
7. Purring Isn’t Always a Sign of Happiness
Cats purr when they’re happy, but that’s not the only reason! They also purr when they’re in pain, scared, or even trying to heal themselves.
Studies suggest that the vibrations from purring help with bone and tissue regeneration. If your cat is purring excessively in an unusual situation, it might be worth checking on them.
8. Cats Sleep More Than Half Their Lives
On average, cats sleep 12–16 hours a day, and kittens or older cats may sleep even longer! This behavior comes from their wild ancestors, who needed energy for hunting.
Even though house cats don’t need to hunt, their bodies are still programmed for long naps to conserve energy. That’s why they always seem to be dozing off somewhere cozy.
9. Licking You Means They See You as Family
If your cat licks you, it’s a sign that they consider you part of their social group. In the wild, cats groom each other to strengthen bonds and show affection.
Since their tongues are rough, it might feel like sandpaper, but take it as a compliment! They’re treating you like one of their own.
10. Cats Can “Talk” Differently to Their Owners
Cats don’t meow much at other cats—this sound is mostly reserved for humans! Over time, they develop unique vocalizations to communicate with their owners.
Some cats are more talkative than others, using different tones to demand food, attention, or play. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice their meows mean different things.
11. They Bring You “Gifts” as a Hunting Lesson
If your cat brings you a dead mouse or toy, they might be trying to teach you how to hunt! In the wild, mother cats bring prey to their kittens to show them survival skills. Indoor cats often bring gifts to their humans because they see them as family. While it may seem gross, it’s actually a sign of affection.
12. Cats Love Small Spaces for Security
Ever wondered why your cat squeezes into boxes, bags, or tight corners? In the wild, cats hide in enclosed spaces to avoid predators and sneak up on prey.

Small spaces make them feel secure, which is why they love curling up in cozy spots. That’s also why cat caves and hideouts are great for their comfort.
13. They Have a Unique Greeting Tail Position
When a cat approaches you with their tail held high, it’s a friendly greeting! This posture shows confidence and happiness, often seen when they’re excited to see you. If they curl the tip slightly, it means they’re feeling extra affectionate. Cats use this tail language with other friendly cats, too.
14. Cats Can Sense Your Mood
Cats are more in tune with human emotions than you might think! They can pick up on body language, tone of voice, and even scent changes when you’re stressed or sad.
Some cats will comfort their owners by staying close, purring, or rubbing against them when they sense something is wrong.
15. They Love Running Water Over Still Water
Many cats prefer drinking from a faucet or a fountain rather than a water bowl. This is because, in nature, running water is safer and less likely to be contaminated.
Stagnant water can collect bacteria, so their instincts drive them toward fresh, moving sources. That’s why pet water fountains are a great investment!
16. Cats Can Rotate Their Ears 180 Degrees
A cat’s ears are incredibly flexible! They have 32 muscles in each ear, allowing them to rotate them almost completely backward.
This helps them detect even the faintest sounds from different directions. Their keen sense of hearing is one of the reasons they’re such skilled hunters.
17. They Use Their Paws to Express Feelings
Cats don’t just use their tails to communicate; their paws also reveal emotions. If a cat taps you gently, they might be asking for attention. Scratching furniture can be both a territorial act and a stress reliever. Some cats even stretch their paws out toward you as a sign of affection.
18. Cats Can Dream Just Like Humans
Ever seen your cat twitch in their sleep? That’s because cats experience REM sleep, which means they dream just like us!
Scientists believe they dream about their daily experiences, like playing, hunting, or interacting with their owners. It’s adorable to think they might be dreaming of you!
19. They Can Fit Into Tiny Spaces Thanks to Their Skeleton
Cats are incredibly flexible because their collarbones aren’t attached to other bones, allowing them to squeeze into tight spaces.
This evolutionary trait helps them navigate narrow areas in the wild. That’s why they always seem to disappear into places you’d never expect!
20. Cats Form Strong Bonds with Their Owners
Despite their independent nature, cats form deep attachments to their humans. Studies show that cats can develop secure emotional bonds similar to dogs and even human babies. They may not always show it in obvious ways, but their loyalty and love run deep.
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Anne Kostick has been Editor-in-Chief since September 2007. Previously, Anne was a principal at Foxpath IND, a publishing, consulting and editorial services company specializing in the transition to and from traditional content publishing and online content management, development and publishing. Her clients included trade book publishers, technology and financial services Web sites, and arts and cultural institutions. Previously, she worked as Licensing and Product Development Director, Senior Acquisitions Editor and Director of Electronic Publishing for Workman Publishing, and as Senior Acquisitions Editor for Harry N. Abrams/Stewart, Tabori & Chang. In the online world she worked as Director of Content Development for Anne has a B.A. in Greek and Latin, with a minor in Theater, from Beloit College. She is the author of several books for children, as well as a definitive collection of jokes.