Conflict resolution is a vital aspect of human interaction, and there are countless examples of successful resolutions throughout history. From international diplomacy to personal relationships, effective conflict resolution can lead to lasting peace, understanding, and cooperation.
In this post, we'll explore 25 inspiring successes in conflict resolution, highlighting the strategies, tactics, & outcomes that made them possible. These examples demonstrate that even in the face of adversity, conflicts can be resolved through determination, creativity, and a commitment to finding common ground.
1. The Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accords, signed in 1978, marked a historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, brokered by US President Jimmy Carter. This successful conflict resolution ended decades of war and established a lasting peace between the two nations, demonstrating the power of diplomatic mediation.
2. The Good Friday Agreement
The Good Friday Agreement, signed in 1998, brought an end to decades of violence in Northern Ireland. This groundbreaking agreement established a power-sharing government and set out a framework for the normalization of relations between Ireland and the UK, showcasing the effectiveness of inclusive, multi-party negotiations.
3. The Mandela Effect
After spending 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela emerged as a symbol of reconciliation in South Africa. His leadership and vision helped to heal the wounds of apartheid, establishing the country's Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address human rights abuses and promote national healing.
4. The Oslo Peace Process
The Oslo Peace Process, initiated in 1993, aimed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through secret negotiations.

Although the process ultimately stalled, it demonstrated the potential for back-channel diplomacy and people-to-people engagement in promoting peace and understanding.
5. The Dayton Peace Accords
The Dayton Peace Accords, signed in 1995, ended the Bosnian War and established the framework for a unified Bosnia and Herzegovina. This complex agreement demonstrated the importance of international cooperation and creative problem-solving in resolving deeply entrenched conflicts.
6. The Guatemala Peace Process
The Guatemala Peace Process, which culminated in the 1996 Peace Accords, brought an end to 36 years of civil war. This successful conflict resolution highlighted the role of international mediation, community engagement, and inclusive negotiations in promoting lasting peace.
7. The Aceh Peace Agreement
The Aceh Peace Agreement, signed in 2005, ended decades of separatist insurgency in Indonesia. This innovative agreement demonstrated the potential for autonomy and self-governance as a means of resolving internal conflicts and promoting regional stability.
8. The Sudanese Peace Process
The Sudanese Peace Process, which led to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, ended Africa's longest-running civil war. This agreement demonstrated the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, and political marginalization.
9. The Colombian Peace Process
The Colombian Peace Process, culminating in the 2016 Peace Accords, brought an end to 52 years of conflict with the FARC guerrilla group. This successful conflict resolution highlighted the role of creative negotiation, international support, and victim-centered approaches.
10. The Northern Ireland Women's Coalition
The Northern Ireland Women's Coalition, established in 1996, played a crucial role in promoting peace and reconciliation during the Good Friday Agreement negotiations.
This grassroots initiative demonstrated the power of community-led conflict resolution and the importance of inclusive representation.
11. The Israeli-Palestinian Parents Circle
The Israeli-Palestinian Parents Circle, founded in 1995, brings together bereaved families from both sides of the conflict to promote reconciliation and understanding. This unique initiative showcases the potential for people-to-people diplomacy and grassroots peace-building.
12. The Kurdish-Turkish Peace Process
The Kurdish-Turkish Peace Process, initiated in 2013, aimed to resolve the decades-long conflict between Turkey and the Kurdish PKK. Although the process ultimately stalled, it demonstrated the potential for dialogue and negotiation in addressing complex, deeply entrenched conflicts.
13. The Philippine Peace Process
The Philippine Peace Process, which led to the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro, ended decades of insurgency in Mindanao. This successful conflict resolution highlighted the importance of addressing historical grievances, promoting autonomy, and supporting community-led initiatives.
14. The Nepal Peace Process
The Nepal Peace Process, culminating in the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, brought an end to a decade-long civil war. This agreement demonstrated the role of international support, inclusive negotiations, and innovative conflict resolution mechanisms in promoting lasting peace.
15. The El Salvador Peace Process
The El Salvador Peace Process, which led to the 1992 Chapultepec Peace Accords, ended 12 years of civil war.

This successful conflict resolution highlighted the importance of addressing social and economic inequalities, promoting land reform, and supporting community-led initiatives.
16. The Mozambican Peace Process
The Mozambican Peace Process, culminating in the 1992 Rome General Peace Accords, ended 16 years of civil war. This agreement demonstrated the role of international mediation, creative negotiation, and community engagement in promoting lasting peace and stability.
17. The Sierra Leone Peace Process
The Sierra Leone Peace Process, which led to the 1999 Lomé Peace Accord, ended a brutal civil war. This agreement highlighted the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict, including poverty, corruption, and political marginalization.
18. The Liberian Peace Process
The Liberian Peace Process, culminating in the 2003 Accra Peace Agreement, ended 14 years of civil war. This successful conflict resolution demonstrated the role of international support, regional cooperation, and community-led initiatives in promoting lasting peace.
19. The Rwandan Reconciliation Process
The Rwandan Reconciliation Process, initiated in the aftermath of the 1994 genocide, aimed to promote healing, justice, and reconciliation. This innovative process demonstrated the potential for community-led, grassroots initiatives to address complex, deeply entrenched conflicts.
20. The Kenyan Peace Process
The Kenyan Peace Process, which followed the 2007-2008 post-election violence, promoted national reconciliation and constitutional reform. This successful conflict resolution highlighted the importance of addressing historical grievances, promoting inclusivity, and supporting community-led initiatives.
21. The Croatian Peace Process
The Croatian Peace Process, which led to the 1995 Erdut Agreement, ended the Croatian War of Independence. This agreement demonstrated the role of international mediation, creative negotiation, and community engagement in promoting lasting peace and stability.
22. The Georgian-Abkhaz Peace Process
The Georgian-Abkhaz Peace Process, initiated in the 1990s, aimed to resolve the conflict over the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Although the process ultimately stalled, it demonstrated the potential for dialogue and negotiation in addressing complex, deeply entrenched conflicts.
23. The Tajikistan Peace Process
The Tajikistan Peace Process, culminating in the 1997 General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord, ended five years of civil war. This successful conflict resolution highlighted the importance of addressing regional and ethnic tensions, promoting autonomy, and supporting community-led initiatives.
24. The Burundian Peace Process
The Burundian Peace Process, which led to the 2000 Arusha Peace Accords, ended a decade-long civil war. This agreement demonstrated the role of international mediation, creative negotiation, and community engagement in promoting lasting peace and stability.
25. The Cypriot Peace Process
The Cypriot Peace Process, initiated in the 2000s, aimed to resolve the decades-long conflict over the island of Cyprus.
Although the process ultimately stalled, it demonstrated the potential for dialogue and negotiation in addressing complex, deeply entrenched conflicts, and the importance of community-led initiatives in promoting reconciliation and understanding.
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Anne Kostick has been Editor-in-Chief since September 2007. Previously, Anne was a principal at Foxpath IND, a publishing, consulting and editorial services company specializing in the transition to and from traditional content publishing and online content management, development and publishing. Her clients included trade book publishers, technology and financial services Web sites, and arts and cultural institutions. Previously, she worked as Licensing and Product Development Director, Senior Acquisitions Editor and Director of Electronic Publishing for Workman Publishing, and as Senior Acquisitions Editor for Harry N. Abrams/Stewart, Tabori & Chang. In the online world she worked as Director of Content Development for Anne has a B.A. in Greek and Latin, with a minor in Theater, from Beloit College. She is the author of several books for children, as well as a definitive collection of jokes.