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Titanic Third Class Passengers Who Survived: A Complete List

Written By Denis Cummings
Last updated: August 14, 2024

As a history enthusiast with a special affection for stories that have shaped our past, I’m always eager to shine a light on tales of resilience and survival. Today, we’re going to share something quite extraordinary – a comprehensive list of Titanic third class passengers who survived the tragic sinking.

This journey through history will not only honor those who made it against all odds but also give us a glimpse into the lives of people from an era long gone. With this article, you’ll get a neatly organized view based on age groups, making each survivor’s story accessible and easy to appreciate. Let’s uncover these incredible tales together!

Key Points:
Estimated Survivors: Only Around 172 passengers
Total Steerage Passengers: Roughly 709
Survival Rate: 24%

List Of The Titanic Third Class Passengers Who Survived

Buried beneath layers of tragedy, flicker stories of resilience. Discover the names of the third-class heroes who survived the Titanic’s icy embrace.

Titanic Third Class Passengers Who Survived

Teenagers of The Titanic Third Class Who Survived

Here are the names of the teenagers who defied the odds and survived the third class of the Titanic.

Miss Karen Marie Abelseth16Southampton16
Mrs Leah Aks18Southampton13
Master Frank Philip Aks10 monthsSouthampton11
Miss Erna Alexandra Andersson17SouthamptonD
Miss Lillian Gertrud Asplund5Southampton15
Master Edvin Rojj Felix Asplund3Southampton15
Miss Banoura Ayoub Daher15CherbourgC
Miss Helene Barbara Baclini9 monthsCherbourgC
Miss Marie Catherine Baclini5CherbourgC
Miss Eugenie Baclini3CherbourgC
Miss Emily Louisa Badman18SouthamptonC
Mr Gurshon Cohen18Southampton12
Miss Ellen Corr16Queenstown16
Master William Loch Coutts9Southampton2
Master Neville Leslie Coutts3Southampton2
Miss Laura Mae Cribb16Southampton12
Miss Elizabeth Gladys “Millvina” Dean2 monthsSouthampton10
Master Bertram Vere Dean1Southampton10
Mr Edward Arthur Dorking18SouthamptonB
Miss Virginia Ethel Emanuel5Southampton13
Miss Katherine Gilnagh17Queenstown16
Master Frank John William Goldsmith9SouthamptonC
Miss Hildur Elisabeth Hirvonen2Southampton15
Mrs Sāfiyah Ibrāhīm18CherbourgC
Master Harold Theodor Johnson4Southampton15
Miss Eleanor Ileen Johnson1Southampton15
Miss Manca Karun4Cherbourg15
Miss Luise Gretchen Kink-Heilmann4Southampton2
Mr Hannā Mikā’ īl Māmā18Cherbourg15
Master Meier Moor7Southampton14
Master Jirjis Mubārik7CherbourgC
Master Hal īm Mubārik4CherbourgC
Miss Catherine Murphy18Queenstown16
Miss Jamilah N īqūla Yārid14CherbourgC
Master Ilyās N īqūla Yārid11CherbourgC
Miss Adele Najib Kiamie15CherbourgC
Miss Maria Nakid1CherbourgC
Miss Berta Olivia Nilsson18SouthamptonD
Miss Hanora O’Leary16Queenstown13
Master Artur Karl Olsen9Southampton13
Master Michael J. Peter/Joseph4CherbourgD
Miss Anna Peter/Joseph2CherbourgC
Miss Hannah Riordan18Queenstown13
Miss Marguerite Rut Sandström4Southampton13
Miss Beatrice Irene Sandström1Southampton13
Miss Anna Sofia Sjöblom18Southampton16
Miss Julia Smyth17Queenstown13
Mr Johan Cervin Svensson14Southampton13
Mrs Tham īn Tannūs16Cherbourg14
Master As’ad Tannūs5 monthsCherbourg16
Miss Mariyam Tu’Mah9CherbourgC
Master Jirjis Yūsuf Tu’Mah8CherbourgC
Miss Anna Sofia Turja18Southampton15

List of The Titanic Third Class Young Adults Who Survived

These are the young adults from the depths of steerage who emerged from the Titanic disaster.

Mr Nās īf Qāsim Ab ī-Al-Munà26Cherbourg15
Mr Olaus Jørgensen Abelseth25SouthamptonA
Mr Abraham August Johannes Abrahamsson20Southampton15
Miss Carla Christine Nielsine Andersen-Jensen19Southampton16
Mr Johan Charles Asplund23Southampton13
Mrs Latifa Baclini24CherbourgC
Mr Lee Bing32SouthamptonC
Miss Bridget Delia Bradley22Queenstown13
Mr Daniel Buckley21Queenstown13
Mr Chang Chip32SouthamptonC
Miss Catherine Connolly23Queenstown13
Miss Margaret Marcella Daly33Queenstown15
Mr Eugene Patrick Daly29QueenstownB
Mrs Mary Elizabeth Davison34Southampton16
Mr Theodoor De Mulder30Southampton11
Mrs Eva Georgetta Dean32Southampton10
Miss Margaret Delia Devaney19QueenstownC
Miss Elizabeth Dowdell31Southampton13
Miss Bridget Driscoll27QueenstownD
Mr Joseph Pierre Duquemin24SouthamptonD
Mrs Anna Elisabeth Judith Dyker22Southampton16
Mr Luigi Finoli34Southampton15
Mr Choong Foo32Southampton13
Miss Mary Agatha Glynn19Queenstown13
Mrs Emily Alice Goldsmith31SouthamptonC
Mrs Elin Matilda Hakkarainen24Southampton15
Mr Borak Hannah27Cherbourg15
Miss Honor Healy29Queenstown16
Mr Oskar Arvid Hedman27Southampton15
Mr Ling Hee24SouthamptonC
Miss Hilda Maria Hellström22SouthamptonC
Mrs Helga Elisabeth Lindqvist Hirvonen22Southampton15
Miss May Elizabeth Howard26SouthamptonC
Mr Abraham Joseph Hyman34SouthamptonC
Mr Ivan Jalševac29Cherbourg15
Mr Carl Olof Jansson21SouthamptonA
Miss Annie Jane Jermyn26QueenstownD
Mr Bernt Johannes Johannesen29Southampton13
Mr Oskar Leander Johansson Palmquist26Southampton15
Mrs Elisabeth Vilhelmina Johnson26Southampton15
Mr Carl Jonsson25Southampton15
Mr Eiriik Jussila32Southampton15
Mr Einar Gervasius Karlsson21Southampton13
Miss Mary Kelly22QueenstownD
Miss Anna Katherine Kelly20Queenstown16
Mr Anton Kink29Southampton2
Mrs Luise Kink-Heilmann26Southampton2
Mr Neshan Krekorian25Cherbourg10
Miss Aurora Adelia Landergren22Southampton13
Mr Fang Lang32Southampton14
Mrs Elin Gerda Lindell30SouthamptonA
Mr Eino William Lindqvist20Southampton15
Mr David Livshin25SouthamptonB
Mr Nikola Lulic29Southampton15
Miss Olga Elida Lundin23Southampton10
Mr Thure Edvin Lundström32Southampton15
Miss Margaret Madigan21Queenstown15
Mr Fridtjof Arne Madsen24Southampton13
Miss Margaret Mannion28Queenstown16
Miss Catherine McCarthy24Queenstown16
Miss Agnes McCoy29Queenstown16
Miss Alice McCoy26Queenstown16
Mr Bernard McCoy24Queenstown16
Miss Bridget Delia McDermott31Queenstown13
Ms Mary McGovern22Queenstown13
Mr Karl Albert Midtsjø21Southampton15
Miss Ellen Mary Mockler23Queenstown16
Mrs Beila Moor29Southampton14
Miss Bridget Moran28Queenstown16
Mr Albert Johan Moss29SouthamptonB
Mrs Am īnah Mubārik24CherbourgC
Miss Catherine Mullin21Queenstown16
Miss Bridget Elizabeth Mulvihill25Queenstown15
Miss Nora Murphy34Queenstown16
Miss Margaret Jane Murphy25Queenstown16
Mrs Fat īmah Muhammad Muslamān ī22CherbourgC
Mr Sahid Nakid20CherbourgC
Mrs Waika Nakid19CherbourgC
Miss Helmina Josefina Nilsson26Southampton13
Miss Anna Sofia Nysten22Southampton13
Miss Ellen O’Dwyer25Queenstown10
Mr Patrick O’Keefe21QueenstownB
Miss Velin Åhman22SouthamptonC
Mr Oscar Wilhelm Olsson32SouthamptonA
Mr Ernst Ulrik Persson25Southampton15
Mr Benoît Picard32Southampton9
Miss Sarah Roth31SouthamptonC
Mr Edward Ryan24Queenstown14
Miss Anna Kristine Salkjelsvik21SouthamptonC
Mrs Agnes Charlotta Sandström24Southampton13
Mr Julius Sap21Southampton11
Mr Jean Scheerlinck29Southampton11
Miss Amy Zillah Elsie Stanley24SouthamptonC
Mr Juho Niilosson Strandén31Southampton9
Mr Victor Francis Sunderland20SouthamptonB
Mr William Henry Törnquist25Southampton15
Mr Gunnar Isidor Tenglin25Southampton13
Mrs Florence Kate Thorneycroft32Southampton10
Mrs Hinnah Tu’Mah27CherbourgC
Mr August Wennerström27SouthamptonA
Mrs Kātr īn Yūsuf24CherbourgC
Mr Antoni Yasbeck27CherbourgC
Mr Philip Zenni22Cherbourg6

List of The Titanic Third Class Adults who survived

These are the names of the third-class adults who clung to hope and defied the odds to survive the Titanic disaster.

Mrs Rhoda Mary Abbott39SouthamptonA
Mrs Selma Augusta Emilia Asplund38Southampton15
Mrs Mariana Assaf45CherbourgC
Mrs Winnie Coutts36Southampton2
Mr Charles Edward Dahl45Southampton15
Mrs Anna De Messemaeker36Southampton13
Mr Guillaume Joseph De Messemaeker36Southampton15
Mrs Shawneene George/Joseph38CherbourgC
Mrs Jennie Louise Hansen45Southampton11
Mr Franz Karun39Cherbourg15
Mr Ali Lam38SouthamptonC
Mr Edvard Bengtsson Lindell36SouthamptonA
Mr Juha Niskänen39Southampton9
Mr Johan Julian Sundman44Southampton15
Mrs Ellen Wilkes47Southampton16

Elders of The Titanic Third Class Who Survived

Who were the remarkable elders from the third class who clung to life and emerged as survivors of the Titanic’s sinking? Only one senior passenger from third class emerged from the wreckage of the Titanic.

Mrs Hedwig Turkula63Southampton15

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How many 3rd class children died on Titanic?

Out of the third class, 52 children sadly lost their lives in the tragic sinking of the Titanic.

Who were the last 2 Titanic survivors?

The last two survivors were Millvina Dean and Barbara West Dainton, who were both just infants at the time of the disaster.

Who is the youngest Titanic survivor?

Millvina Dean holds this somber title. She was only two months old when she survived the sinking of the Titanic.

Charles Eames

Denis Cummings is a history enthusiast and author, with a passion for uncovering the stories of the past. Through his writing, he seeks to share his love of history with others and provide a unique perspective on the events that have shaped our world.

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