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Who Assassinated Abraham Lincoln and Why? [Behind the Curtain]

Written By Denis Cummings
Last updated: July 17, 2023

Oh boy, history has a way of remembering humanity's best and worst parts, doesn't it? Take, for instance, the story of Abraham Lincoln, one of America's most beloved Presidents who took office in the stormy times leading up to America's bloodiest conflict – the Civil War. Today, we're diving into a question that may seem straightforward on the surface but has layers upon layers when you start peeling back history's curtains: "Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln and why?"

The 16th President's name rings bells not just for providing leadership during the war between North and South but also for his unexpected and tragic end. Understanding why he was assassinated isn't just about knowing a single name but about exploring an era shaped by divide and difference. So, buckle up, history buffs; prepare as we journey back to April 1865 and uncover this game-changing moment in American history.

Who Assassinated Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln, one of the most recognized Presidents in American history, was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth. But who exactly was Booth, and why is his act remembered as one of America's darkest moments?

Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln and why?

The Actor-Turned-Assassin: John Wilkes Booth

John Wilkes Booth wasn't just another face in the crowd. He was quite well-known, but not for reasons you might think. He was a famous actor, one of the most popular of his time. Born into a prominent theatrical family in Maryland in 1838, he was mainly known for his handsome features and charisma on and off stage.

Despite his fame on the stage, certain troubling aspects of his personal beliefs laid the groundwork for his vicious act. Booth strongly supported slavery and deeply sympathized with the Confederate cause during the Civil War. His deep hatred towards President Lincoln's policies to abolish slavery pushed him down a path few could imagine an actor would go.

A Covert Confederate Sympathizer

Booth's allegiance lay staunchly with the South throughout the Civil War because he harbored convictions juxtaposed to President Lincoln's. While he never formally enlisted in the Confederate army, Booth leveraged his acting career to be part of secret missions assisting their cause. He used his celebrity status as cover for smuggling medical supplies across Union lines to aid wounded Southern soldiers.

John Wilkes BoothDetail
Date Of BirthMay 10, 1838
Born InBel Air, Maryland
Assassination Date Of LincolnApril 14th,1865

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Why Did John Wilkes Booth Assassinate Abraham Lincoln?

To answer this question shortly, Booth - a devoted supporter of the Confederacy - held Lincoln directly responsible for the South's defeat and the upheaval of what he perceived as the traditional Southern way of life. Yet, these motives ran deeper, intricately woven into Booth's personal beliefs and shaped by the sociopolitical climate of his time.

Booth's Ideological Affiliations and Beliefs

Born into a prominent Maryland theatrical family, John Wilkes Booth grew up exposed to extreme pro-Southern sentiments and acquired sympathy towards slavery as a fundamental Southern right. He developed an intense admiration for the chivalric culture associated with Southern society. This devotion fueled a deep resentment towards anyone interfering in it - notably Lincoln.

Booth's Motivations for Targeting Lincoln

Post-Civil War America was in flux, with President Lincoln advocating measures that drastically transformed society. Until then, slavery was part and parcel of many parts of America-especially those aligned with Confederate thought. Yet, Lincoln proposed its abolition outright—an act many Southerners interpreted as tyrannical overreach.

Hence, when Lincoln declared the "Emancipation Proclamation," effectively liberating all slaves throughout the nation, Booth saw this as a direct assault on his beloved South. His diary reveals explicit animosity against Lincoln and his government "to suppress [sic] our constitution and wage war against innocent men."

Insight into the Sociopolitical Climate of that Era

The 1860s were filled with uncertainty – the conflict wasn’t merely on battlegrounds but extended to ideology, morality, politics, and economics—the entire fabric of American life was at stake. This era solidified divisions between North & South, Free states & Slave states—discords that still echo today.

Lincoln’s election in 1860 sparked these conflicts due to his anti-slavery stance – alarming enough for Southern states to secede from the Union, igniting a civil war. And though a victorious end seemed near in 1865 upon Confederate General Lee’s surrender – those still impassioned like Booth perceived this not as a victory for unity but as a personal defeat, thereby justifying his lethal intent against Abraham Lincoln himself.

The Plan & Execution: A Dramatic Intervention

Abraham Lincoln's assassination wasn't a spur-of-the-moment attack but an intricately designed and executed calculated plan. John Wilkes Booth, a Confederate sympathizer with a deep hatred for the Union and its commander-in-chief, pulled the trigger that fateful night.

Booth's Master Plan

Firstly, Booth didn't plan this heinous act alone. He enlisted the help of several acquaintances who had similar anti-union sentiments. Initially, their plan wasn’t to kill Lincoln but to kidnap him to barter for the release of Confederate prisoners of war. However, as the Union victory seemed inevitable towards the end of the Civil War, Booth’s plot took a deadly turn.

Booth leveraged his familiarity with Ford’s Theatre, where he maintained an established acting career and a charming personality that allowed him to walk behind the scenes unquestioned. On April 14th, 1865, he learned about President Lincoln’s attendance at a play, "Our American Cousin." Seeing this as his opportunity, Booth transformed his kidnapping plot into murder.

A Night at Ford's Theater

The evening arrived with all its dread and destiny. In perhaps one of history’s cruelest ironies, Lincoln was in high spirits that night, simply seeking a brief respite from war's burdens and cares, watching a comedy play at Ford’s Theatre.

Booth entered President Lincoln’s private box using tools to jam his only exit shut once inside. During one of the laughter-filled moments during the play, the audience roared in delight and gave Booth perfect cover to approach Lincoln from behind and fire his single-shot Derringer pistol. The bullet found its mark on President’s head, causing him to slump over immediately while unconsciousness swiftly enveloped him as he could not breathe. Later, Lincoln was pronounced dead at 7:22 a.m. on April 15, 1865, at the age of 56.

The assassin didn't escape unscathed, though. In his maddening leap from the president's box onto the stage to make a fast escape, he broke his leg. Still, he managed to hobble offstage, inciting chaos in theatre patrons with loud proclamation, “Sic semper tyrannis!” (Thus always to tyrants!)

That night would be inscribed into America’s history as one that shook the nation at its heart core, demonstrating the fragility of democracy amidst bitter societal divides.

The Aftermath of Lincoln's Assassination: Impact on a Nation Reeling from War

Lincoln's sudden and tragic exit not only stole the nation's leader but left an embittered and war-torn America in shock. The aftermath of the assassination took a profound toll on the country.

Immediate Reaction Across America

From every corner of the country, news of Lincoln's death spread like wildfire, igniting public grief that was perfectly captured by then Secretary of War Edwin Stanton who simply uttered, "Now he belongs to the ages." Major national newspapers like Harper’s Weekly reported mournfully on the tragedy. Lincoln’s funeral train went from Washington D.C. to his home state Illinois, drawing massive outpours of public mourning across its long route.

Consequences for Reconstruction Efforts

Besides touching hearts profoundly across the nation, Lincoln's death had heavy implications for post-Civil War-crisis management, known as Reconstruction. Vice President Andrew Johnson was elevated to the presidency. He didn't hold back in aggressively implementing punitive terms against Confederate states - directly contradicting Lincoln’s hope for "malice toward none…with charity for all.

Notably impactful was how Lincoln's assassination affected America's newly freed African American population. It left them without their staunchest advocate, which eventually resulted in their struggle for civil rights being compromised by Southern pushback and weakening Northern resolve.

The unspeakable circumstances surrounding his assassination forced lawmakers to think about presidential protection. Therefore U.S. Congress established the United States Secret Service — though initially intended to combat widespread currency counterfeiting, it would later become responsible for protecting the President and other high-ranking officials.

On a broader scale, Lincoln's loss marked an end to what might have been a more forgiving handling of southern states post-war and created an atmosphere charged with mistrust and intimidation – exacerbating America's already prevalent divisions. It also sent an enduring shockwave through future Presidents' office experiences - tightening security measures and reminding one and all about how delicate peace can be after conflict.

Also Read: Was Abraham Lincoln Black? 

John Wilkes Booth’s Fate: Justice or Escape?

John Wilkes Booth had no idea that his life's trajectory was about to shift, quite literally, onto a collision course with destiny. After assassinating Lincoln, he sprinted off the stage at Ford's Theater and into a nation reeling from cataclysmic shock.

Justice Nipping at His Heels

The day after Lincoln's death, Booth fled the nation's capital on horseback, disappearing into the Maryland countryside. He had been quickly identified as the assailant, and one of the biggest manhunts in American history was underway. His escape plan was dangerous as local newspapers began reprinting photos of him while military-style blockades and vast patrols swept across Southern Maryland.

"Booth hath fled. Find him!" were orders circulated among law enforcement and militia alike.

The Final Stand-off

By April 26th, almost two weeks since that fateful night, Federal troops cornered Booth in a Virginia barnhouse near Port Royal - an eerie scenario eluding more to an old cowboy standoff than 19th-century justice proceedings.

Troops surrounded the barnhouse where Booth and another suspect David Herold were holed up. Amidst threats of setting the barn on fire by Union soldiers and persistent pleas for surrender, Herold willingly gave up while Booth remained defiant till his end. Ignoring warnings issued by Union Major Lafayette Baker to surrender, Booth was eventually shot when Sergeant Boston Corbett aimed at a crack in the barn door wall.

Controversy & Conspiracy Theories

Upon his death, controversies arose surrounding 'how' Booth died - whether it was suicide or a shot by Sergeant Corbett. Adding fuel to historical speculation fires are conspiracy theories suggesting that it wasn't Booth who died that day but instead a look-alike while he successfully escaped living under an alias 'John St Helen' for years before finally succumbing to arsenic poisoning in 1903.

While no definitive proof exists confirming these evolving stories, they serve as glimpses into an America grappling with its history - proof indeed that Abraham Lincoln's tale didn't end with his assassination but has echoed down centuries like whispers in Uncle Sam's ear.

The Legacy of the Assassination

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln has left an indelible imprint on the course of American history, marking one of the most influential and traumatic events in our country's narrative. With a single gunshot, Lincoln became a martyr, his life prematurely ended just as America began to head toward post-war healing.

Sense of Vulnerability

Since that harrowing incident, the assassination created an overarching sense of vulnerability that equates leadership with peril. As a result, presidential security became an area of paramount importance, and measures were heightened to unprecedented levels. Today, a separate governmental agency - the Secret Service - is assigned exclusively to protect the President and other high-ranking officials.

Symbolic Significance

Moreover, Lincoln's death has gained symbolic significance over time, representing sacrifice for greater cause – democracy and equality. His ideals are often invoked when discussing social justice and people's rights. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr., during his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech, referenced Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation symbolizing it as a beacon light shining upon America.

Pop-Culture Representation

The event has been extensively reflected in many popular culture representations fueling public interest even more. Films such as The Conspirator (2010) or plays like "Our American Cousin" are forever attached to this historical incident fostering a deeper understanding for newer generations through creative mediums.

Establishment of Remembrance

This infamous act led to numerous memorials and tributes dedicated to remembering Lincoln's contributions to America. Certainly at the head of this list is The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., attracting millions each year who pay homage at its grandeur marble steps.

Significance Today: Lessons From Lincoln’s Assassination

More than 150 years have passed since that lamentable night at Ford's Theatre, yet the shocking assassination of Abraham Lincoln still reverberates in our collective memory. Today, it serves as an ever-powerful reminder of the resilience of American democracy amidst tragedy and a tool to ponder on how these historical events shape our society.

Navigating the Political Landscape

The primary lesson to draw from Lincoln's assassination is possibly its stark demonstration on the vulnerability of political leaders. His untimely end, abruptly shifting the political terrain, signifies the urgency for a stable post-leadership succession plan in all democratic settings. Each leader's role is critical, but no system should rely on one individual for its stability.

Unity over Division

The apprehension and subsequent death of John Wilkes Booth did not heal the nation's wounds overnight after Lincoln's assassination. But it paved a path in American psyche about fostering unity over division. Lincoln led America through its most divisive and deadly war with an aim to strengthen union - and his death intensified that sentiment even more among Americans.

Pursuit of Non-violence

Finally, perhaps one significant lesson we learn from this tragic event revolves around pursuing non-violence. In a postmodern society catalyzed by polarized opinions (like those existing during Lincoln’s era), it is essential not only to tolerate contrasting views but also to channel disagreements into peaceful dialogue rather than resorting to violence, as Booth tragically did.

In short, there are several lessons we can learn from Abraham Lincoln’s assassination - reminders about political vulnerability, reminders about unity over division, and reminders about pursuing non-violence even in disagreement. Thus, his story remains relevant not just within the realm of historians but also in shaping how we perceive our role within a democratic society.

Charles Eames

Denis Cummings is a history enthusiast and author, with a passion for uncovering the stories of the past. Through his writing, he seeks to share his love of history with others and provide a unique perspective on the events that have shaped our world.

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